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Notes for chimney castable construction

Words:[Big][Medium][Small] Mobile Page Two-Dimensional Code 2018-10-15     

1. When entering the factory, the construction personnel must abide by the factory rules and regulations, take good care of public facilities, and wear safety helmets when entering the construction site. 

2, construction personnel must be on duty before the physical examination, any hypertension, heart disease and other inappropriate personnel are strictly prohibited from high-altitude work, high-altitude work is strictly prohibited after drinking. 

3, construction, construction personnel for safety technology disclosure, strictly in accordance with the rules of operation, not illegal command, not illegal operation, high construction tie the safety belt. 

4. Frequently check the operation platform, hoist, lifting sling, track cable, hanging basket and other equipment, and timely deal with problems found to ensure the safety and smooth progress of the project. 

5. When lifting the platform, observe that the cantilever bar shall not touch the inner wall. The lifting shall be balanced and in place, and the cantilever bar shall be extended and placed on the wall to ensure four suspension cables.With the general use, every day to finish the work, the platform material, site clear.6. The top and bottom of the lifting platform shall be equipped with travel switches to strictly prevent malfunctions of the switches and accidents of roof overhanging. The hoisting machine for loading people shall be supervised by special personnel. 

7. Considering the large diameter in section 0-80m of chimney, another channel steel box can be used (9×9M) is placed at the port under the platform and 8 suspension cables are added, so that the platform has a total of 12 suspension cables to increase the stability and safety of the operating platform.


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