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Construction instructions for corundum castable

Words:[Big][Medium][Small] Mobile Page Two-Dimensional Code 2018-06-10     

1. A complete set of preparatory work, such as equipment cleaning, training of construction personnel, tools, water quality and material samples, must be completed before construction.


2. The environmental temperature of lining material construction should be 5~30℃, below or above the temperature area, and appropriate insulation and cooling measures should be taken.

(1) if the ambient temperature is lower than 5℃, the dry materials should be stored in the heating room. During construction, the mixing temperature can be maintained above 10℃ by heating the shell, heating water (below 40℃) and adding coagulant under the guidance of relevant technical personnel.

(2) if the ambient temperature is above 30℃, cooling measures shall be taken to ensure the construction time. The specific measures are as follows: a cover the container and pipeline from the sunlight.B spray water on the outer wall of the lining equipment to cool the temperature, but it must be ensured that water does not flow into the inner construction site of the lining equipment.Under the guidance of relevant technical personnel, admixture (retarder) should be added appropriately.D stir with ice water.Use a cooling fan to cool the environment.

3. The lining material is packed in inner film bag and outer woven bag, which contains aggregates, cement (A+B) and additives (both have been weighed and can be used directly). The cement (A+B) and additives are measured and packed in plastic bags separately.Construction, the first place the aggregate and cement and additives in clean forced mixer dry mix 2 ~ 3 minutes, then stir in clean water (water PH value of 7 or so), add water at about 4.8 to 6% of the total weight of material, fully mixing 3 ~ 5 minutes after being plastic has good construction, before the construction. If high temperature fast hardening, the other is equipped with retarder, when used according to the 4 bags of aggregate plus 1 package retarder can, depending on the material hardening time adjust to join.See article 7 for details of sample preparation.

4. The stirred materials should be used up within 20 minutes. If there is initial setting, do not mash and add water before use, otherwise the performance of the materials will be affected.5. The material can be constructed by mechanical vibration or manual ramming. No matter what construction method is adopted, it should be rammed and the surface is smooth.



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